How To Install Facebook Pixel Event Code

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How To Install Facebook Pixel Event Code

So, people frequently being confused with facebook pixel and facebook event code (standard events)

These question made me write and draw your attention towards the responsive knot of facebook pixel with the facebook event code.

Facebook Pixel Code (Base Code)

Every digital marketing student out here is awake about Facebook pixel code to be pasted in the header or footer of the website.

Be there, it’s a versatile WordPress or any another content management system. The facebook pixel code is highly recommended to be pasted in between the opening and closing header tag.

Here’s a quick already eye touched snapshot attached of facebook pixel (base code).

This base code executes the tracking of the user before leaving any page of your website and it includes with the “page view” fbq(‘track’, ‘PageView’)event code.

You can successfully track the happened page views in your Facebook Events manager after the base code installation.

Facebook Event Code (Standard Events)

The base code does tie the knot with events code same as above mentioned “page view ” event.

Honestly, I’m being much loved with the facebook event code. To specify the reason here is, it plays a vital role to run a conversion campaign and my core interest always drives to conversions.

Events are nothing but the actions of your website which you desire for and run the campaign.

These specified event codes are placed on the thank you page with the facebook base code.

With the help of Facebook pixel & specified event code, you are enabled to track the performed action on your website which in future also supports you for retargeting.

Every event code plays its own role to derive the action. Here’s the list of event code:

Let’s take an example. In case you are looking out to run a conversion campaign with the goal of generating leads.

Follow the below steps for installation of lead generation event code:-

1) Paste facebook base code in the header of your website.

2) Copy the same base code and insert the “lead generation” event code in the same code and now paste the whole code on thank you page. Here’s the snapshot attached for the same

However, there are other ways too for the installation of Facebook event code but this is the simple one.

Hope its helpful 😊

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